
Posts Tagged ‘falling’

Stroke has a new indicator. The tongue:

Stroke symptoms can be difficult to identify. Often people will simply fall, trip, or stumble. They will get up and seem fine. Unfortunately, this lack of awareness can spell disaster if the stroke remains undiagnosed. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage, further strokes, and even death, unless the people nearby learn to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now even a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking four simple questions:

1. Ask the individual to SMILE. Strokes can make smiling difficult with one side of the face seeming weaker than the rest.

2. Ask the person to TALK. Slurred words and/or incoherent sentences are major red flags.

3. Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. Strokes can also make raising both arms difficult.

4. Ask the person to ‘stick’ out his tongue. A stroke is indicated if the tongue is ‘crooked’, going to one side or the other.

When a person who has fallen cannot do any of these simple tasks, this is a major warning. Call 911, and get the person to an ER.

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